path: root/tests/jibuf/jitter.plt
diff options
authorPau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de>2018-02-27 18:32:56 +0100
committerPau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de>2018-04-13 16:11:33 +0200
commit7787c8cce3f47e7de851e4092b27176a4cc7bd77 (patch)
tree111b432a80f35dcb55d8184586214d5f935689fb /tests/jibuf/jitter.plt
parentce820763c1c527856e8f75719b958de77d8c74aa (diff)
tests: jibuf_tool: Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/jibuf/jitter.plt')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/jibuf/jitter.plt b/tests/jibuf/jitter.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37deb65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/jibuf/jitter.plt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#set terminal png size 1280,1024 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
+#set output 'output.png'
+#set terminal qt
+#set output
+set datafile separator "\t"
+set datafile missing '0'
+#set multiplot
+# key/legend
+set key top right
+set key box
+set key left bottom
+set key bmargin
+set title 'Jitter Graph'
+set xlabel 'Timestamp'
+set ylabel 'trans / jitter / delay / buffer size [ms]'
+set ytics nomirror
+#set y2label 'delay [ms]'
+#set y2tics nomirror
+plot \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 3:5 with linespoints title 'pre.trans' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 4:6 with linespoints title 'post.trans' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 3:7 with linespoints title 'pre.jitter' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 4:8 with linespoints title 'post.jitter' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 3:9 with linespoints title 'pre.dropped' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 3:10 with linespoints title 'pre.buffer' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 3:((column(3)-column(2))) with linespoints title 'pre.delay' axes x1y1, \
+ '/tmp/bla' using 4:((column(4)-column(2))) with linespoints title 'post.delay' axes x1y1
+pause mouse close; exit