path: root/lib/decoding/openbts/ViterbiR204.cpp
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1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/decoding/openbts/ViterbiR204.cpp b/lib/decoding/openbts/ViterbiR204.cpp
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+++ b/lib/decoding/openbts/ViterbiR204.cpp
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+ * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Copyright 2014 Range Networks, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
+ * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
+ */
+#include "BitVector.h"
+#include "ViterbiR204.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string.h>
+using namespace std;
+ Apply a Galois polymonial to a binary seqeunce.
+ @param val The input sequence.
+ @param poly The polynomial.
+ @param order The order of the polynomial.
+ @return Single-bit result.
+unsigned ViterbiBase::applyPoly(uint64_t val, uint64_t poly, unsigned order)
+ uint64_t prod = val & poly;
+ unsigned sum = prod;
+ for (unsigned i=1; i<order; i++) sum ^= prod>>i;
+ return sum & 0x01;
+unsigned ViterbiBase::applyPoly(uint64_t val, uint64_t poly)
+ uint64_t prod = val & poly;
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 32));
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 16));
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 8));
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 4));
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 2));
+ prod = (prod ^ (prod >> 1));
+ return prod & 0x01;
+//void BitVector::encode(const ViterbiR2O4& coder, BitVector& target)
+void ViterbiR2O4::encode(const BitVector& in, BitVector& target) const
+ const ViterbiR2O4& coder = *this;
+ size_t sz = in.size();
+ assert(sz*coder.iRate() == target.size());
+ // Build a "history" array where each element contains the full history.
+ uint32_t history[sz];
+ uint32_t accum = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sz; i++) {
+ accum = (accum<<1) | in.bit(i);
+ history[i] = accum;
+ }
+ // Look up histories in the pre-generated state table.
+ char *op = target.begin();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sz; i++) {
+ unsigned index = coder.cMask() & history[i];
+ for (unsigned g=0; g<coder.iRate(); g++) {
+ *op++ = coder.stateTable(g,index);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(mDeferral < 32);
+ // (pat) The generator polynomials are: G0 = 1 + D**3 + D**4; and G1 = 1 + D + D**3 + D**4
+ mCoeffs[0] = 0x019; // G0 = D**4 + D**3 + 1; represented as binary 11001,
+ mCoeffs[1] = 0x01b; // G1 = + D**4 + D**3 + D + 1; represented as binary 11011
+ computeStateTables(0);
+ computeStateTables(1);
+ computeGeneratorTable();
+void ViterbiR2O4::initializeStates()
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<mIStates; i++) vitClear(mSurvivors[i]);
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumCands; i++) vitClear(mCandidates[i]);
+// (pat) The state machine has 16 states.
+// Each state has two possible next states corresponding to 0 or 1 inputs to original encoder.
+// which are saved in mStateTable in consecutive locations.
+// In other words the mStateTable second index is ((current_state <<1) + encoder_bit)
+// g is 0 or 1 for the first or second bit of the encoded stream, ie, the one we are decoding.
+void ViterbiR2O4::computeStateTables(unsigned g)
+ assert(g<mIRate);
+ for (unsigned state=0; state<mIStates; state++) {
+ // 0 input
+ uint32_t inputVal = state<<1;
+ mStateTable[g][inputVal] = applyPoly(inputVal, mCoeffs[g], mOrder+1);
+ // 1 input
+ inputVal |= 1;
+ mStateTable[g][inputVal] = applyPoly(inputVal, mCoeffs[g], mOrder+1);
+ }
+void ViterbiR2O4::computeGeneratorTable()
+ for (unsigned index=0; index<mIStates*2; index++) {
+ mGeneratorTable[index] = (mStateTable[0][index]<<1) | mStateTable[1][index];
+ }
+void ViterbiR2O4::branchCandidates()
+ // Branch to generate new input states.
+ const vCand *sp = mSurvivors;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumCands; i+=2) {
+ // extend and suffix
+ const uint32_t iState0 = (sp->iState) << 1; // input state for 0
+ const uint32_t iState1 = iState0 | 0x01; // input state for 1
+ const uint32_t oStateShifted = (sp->oState) << mIRate; // shifted output (by 2)
+ const float cost = sp->cost;
+ int bec = sp->bitErrorCnt;
+ sp++;
+ // 0 input extension
+ mCandidates[i].cost = cost;
+ // mCMask is the low 5 bits, ie, full width of mGeneratorTable.
+ mCandidates[i].oState = oStateShifted | mGeneratorTable[iState0 & mCMask];
+ mCandidates[i].iState = iState0;
+ mCandidates[i].bitErrorCnt = bec;
+ // 1 input extension
+ mCandidates[i+1].cost = cost;
+ mCandidates[i+1].oState = oStateShifted | mGeneratorTable[iState1 & mCMask];
+ mCandidates[i+1].iState = iState1;
+ mCandidates[i+1].bitErrorCnt = bec;
+ }
+void ViterbiR2O4::getSoftCostMetrics(const uint32_t inSample, const float *matchCost, const float *mismatchCost)
+ const float *cTab[2] = {matchCost,mismatchCost};
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumCands; i++) {
+ vCand& thisCand = mCandidates[i];
+ // We examine input bits 2 at a time for a rate 1/2 coder.
+ // (pat) mismatched will end up with bits in it for previous transitions,
+ // but we only use the bottom two bits of mismatched so it is ok.
+ const unsigned mismatched = inSample ^ (thisCand.oState);
+ // (pat) TODO: Are these two tests swapped?
+ thisCand.cost += cTab[mismatched&0x01][1] + cTab[(mismatched>>1)&0x01][0];
+ if (mismatched & 1) { thisCand.bitErrorCnt++; }
+ if (mismatched & 2) { thisCand.bitErrorCnt++; }
+ }
+void ViterbiR2O4::pruneCandidates()
+ const vCand* c1 = mCandidates; // 0-prefix
+ const vCand* c2 = mCandidates + mIStates; // 1-prefix
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<mIStates; i++) {
+ if (c1[i].cost < c2[i].cost) mSurvivors[i] = c1[i];
+ else mSurvivors[i] = c2[i];
+ }
+const ViterbiR2O4::vCand& ViterbiR2O4::minCost() const
+ int minIndex = 0;
+ float minCost = mSurvivors[0].cost;
+ for (unsigned i=1; i<mIStates; i++) {
+ const float thisCost = mSurvivors[i].cost;
+ if (thisCost>=minCost) continue;
+ minCost = thisCost;
+ minIndex=i;
+ }
+ return mSurvivors[minIndex];
+const ViterbiR2O4::vCand* ViterbiR2O4::vstep(uint32_t inSample, const float *probs, const float *iprobs, bool isNotTailBits)
+ branchCandidates();
+ // (pat) tail bits do not affect cost or error bit count of any branch.
+ if (isNotTailBits) getSoftCostMetrics(inSample,probs,iprobs);
+ pruneCandidates();
+ return &minCost();
+void ViterbiR2O4::decode(const SoftVector &in, BitVector& target)
+ ViterbiR2O4& decoder = *this;
+ const size_t sz = in.size();
+ const unsigned oSize = in.size() / decoder.iRate();
+ const unsigned deferral = decoder.deferral();
+ const size_t ctsz = sz + deferral*decoder.iRate();
+ assert(sz <= decoder.iRate()*target.size());
+ // Build a "history" array where each element contains the full history.
+ // (pat) We only use every other history element, so why are we setting them?
+ uint32_t history[ctsz];
+ {
+ BitVector bits = in.sliced();
+ uint32_t accum = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sz; i++) {
+ accum = (accum<<1) | bits.bit(i);
+ history[i] = accum;
+ }
+ // Repeat last bit at the end.
+ // (pat) TODO: really? Does this matter?
+ for (size_t i=sz; i<ctsz; i++) {
+ accum = (accum<<1) | (accum & 0x01);
+ history[i] = accum;
+ }
+ }
+ // Precompute metric tables.
+ float matchCostTable[ctsz];
+ float mismatchCostTable[ctsz];
+ {
+ const float *dp = in.begin();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sz; i++) {
+ // pVal is the probability that a bit is correct.
+ // ipVal is the probability that a bit is incorrect.
+ float pVal = dp[i];
+ if (pVal>0.5F) pVal = 1.0F-pVal;
+ float ipVal = 1.0F-pVal;
+ // This is a cheap approximation to an ideal cost function.
+ if (pVal<0.01F) pVal = 0.01;
+ if (ipVal<0.01F) ipVal = 0.01;
+ matchCostTable[i] = 0.25F/ipVal;
+ mismatchCostTable[i] = 0.25F/pVal;
+ }
+ // pad end of table with unknowns
+ // Note that these bits should not contribute to Bit Error Count.
+ for (size_t i=sz; i<ctsz; i++) {
+ matchCostTable[i] = 0.5F;
+ mismatchCostTable[i] = 0.5F;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ decoder.initializeStates();
+ // Each sample of history[] carries its history.
+ // So we only have to process every iRate-th sample.
+ const unsigned step = decoder.iRate();
+ // input pointer
+ const uint32_t *ip = history + step - 1;
+ // output pointers
+ char *op = target.begin();
+ const char *const opt = target.end(); // (pat) Not right if target is larger than needed; should be: op + sz/2;
+ // table pointers
+ const float* match = matchCostTable;
+ const float* mismatch = mismatchCostTable;
+ size_t oCount = 0;
+ const ViterbiR2O4::vCand *minCost = NULL;
+ while (op<opt) {
+ // Viterbi algorithm
+ assert(match-matchCostTable<(float)sizeof(matchCostTable)/sizeof(matchCostTable[0])-1);
+ assert(mismatch-mismatchCostTable<(float)sizeof(mismatchCostTable)/sizeof(mismatchCostTable[0])-1);
+ minCost = decoder.vstep(*ip, match, mismatch, oCount < oSize);
+ ip += step;
+ match += step;
+ mismatch += step;
+ // output
+ if (oCount>=deferral) *op++ = (minCost->iState >> deferral)&0x01;
+ oCount++;
+ }
+ // Dont think minCost == NULL can happen.
+ mBitErrorCnt = minCost ? minCost->bitErrorCnt : 0;
+ }
+// vim: ts=4 sw=4