path: root/TCAP
diff options
authorHarald Welte <>2013-06-08 09:02:50 +0200
committerHarald Welte <>2013-06-08 09:02:50 +0200
commitdb99b668597ff4b85ddb3849f58d564221db673d (patch)
treee6033fa330f635bee0b5a0107e4535b9a6e19129 /TCAP
parentf1803eabfbecfac985735baf64d3abac29f32a3e (diff)
TCO: fix generation of incoming tcap_transaction_sup tree
This moves the 'server' side of the TCAP code to generate a proper tcap_transaction_sup sub-tree on an incoming BEGIN
Diffstat (limited to 'TCAP')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_tco_server.erl b/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_tco_server.erl
index fcaf2d3..2587e48 100644
--- a/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_tco_server.erl
+++ b/TCAP/src/ITU/tcap_tco_server.erl
@@ -307,26 +307,35 @@ handle_cast({'N', 'UNITDATA', indication, UdataParams}, State)
% or that there are enough resources available. The real
% test is in whether the start succeeds.
case supervisor:start_child(State#state.supervisor, ChildSpec) of
- % FIXME: the entire mobile-termianted
- % transaction handling needs to reflect tcap_transaction_sup
- {ok, TSM} ->
+ {ok, _TransSupPid} ->
% Created a Transaction State Machine (TSM)
- TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = TPDU},
- % BEGIN received TSM <- TCO
- gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', received, TsmParams});
- _Other ->
+ case ets:lookup_element(tcap_transaction, TransactionID, 2) of
+ TSM ->
+ TsmParams = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'{userData = TPDU},
+ % BEGIN received TSM <- TCO
+ gen_fsm:send_event(TSM, {'BEGIN', received, TsmParams});
+ {error, _Reason} ->
+ error_logger:error_report(["Unable to find TSM that was just started"])
+ end;
+ Other ->
+ error_logger:error_report(["Unable to start TSM", {childspec, ChildSpec}, {error, Other}]),
% TID = no TID
% Build ABORT message (P-Abort Cause = Resource Limitation)
- Abort = {abort, #'Abort'{dtid = TPDU#'Begin'.otid,
+ Abort = {abort, #'Abort'{dtid = encode_tid(TPDU#'Begin'.otid),
reason = {'p-abortCause', resourceLimitation}}},
- NewTPDU = list_to_binary('TR':encode('TCMessage', Abort)),
- SccpParams = #'N-UNITDATA'{calledAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress,
- callingAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress,
- sequenceControl = false, returnOption = false, importance = none,
- userData = NewTPDU},
- % TR-UNI request TSL -> SCCP
- Module = State#state.module,
- Module:send_primitive({'N', 'UNITDATA', request, SccpParams}, State#state.ext_state),
+ case 'TR':encode('TCMessage', Abort) of
+ {ok, EncAbort} ->
+ SccpParams = #'N-UNITDATA'{calledAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress,
+ callingAddress = UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress,
+ sequenceControl = false,
+ returnOption = false, importance = none,
+ userData = list_to_binary(EncAbort)},
+ % TR-UNI request TSL -> SCCP
+ Module = State#state.module,
+ Module:send_primitive({'N', 'UNITDATA', request, SccpParams}, State#state.ext_state);
+ {error, Err} ->
+ error_logger:error_report(["Error generating ASN1", {abort, Abort}, {error, Err}])
+ end,
error_logger:error_report(["Unable to create TSM for received N-BEGIN",
{caller, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.callingAddress},
{called, UdataParams#'N-UNITDATA'.calledAddress}])
@@ -735,6 +744,13 @@ decode_tid(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
decode_tid(List) when is_list(List) ->
+encode_tid(In) when is_integer(In) ->
+ <<In:32/big>>;
+encode_tid(In) when is_list(In) ->
+ list_to_binary(In);
+encode_tid(In) when is_binary(In) ->
+ In.
postproc_tcmessage(C=#'Continue'{otid = Otid, dtid = Dtid}) ->
C#'Continue'{otid = decode_tid(Otid), dtid = decode_tid(Dtid)};
postproc_tcmessage(E=#'End'{dtid = Dtid}) ->