diff options
authorHarald Welte <>2011-04-02 16:44:52 +0200
committerHarald Welte <>2011-04-02 16:44:52 +0200
commit674a425ea89c7675285324ee03df43bda24a13d8 (patch)
parent5ada2f6847eb489255824cda162f5548f163deca (diff)
Import Ulf Wiger's exprecs module
Version exprecs-0.4 from
2 files changed, 481 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index 931c1a9..b444d97 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{application, osmo_ss7,
[{description, "Osmocom SS7 code"},
{vsn, "1"},
- {modules, [ osmo_util,
+ {modules, [ osmo_util, exprecs,
diff --git a/src/exprecs.erl b/src/exprecs.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b8fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/exprecs.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%%% Version 1.0, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%%% under the License.
+%%% The Original Code is exprecs-0.2.
+%%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
+%%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright (C), 2006, Ericsson AB.
+%%% All Rights Reserved.
+%%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+%%% File : exprecs.erl
+%%% @author : Ulf Wiger <>
+%%% @end
+%%% Description :
+%%% Created : 13 Feb 2006 by Ulf Wiger <>
+%%% @doc Parse transform for generating record access functions
+%%% <p>This parse transform can be used to reduce compile-time
+%%% dependencies in large systems.</p>
+%%% <p>In the old days, before records, Erlang programmers often wrote
+%%% access functions for tuple data. This was tedious and error-prone.
+%%% The record syntax made this easier, but since records were implemented
+%%% fully in the pre-processor, a nasty compile-time dependency was
+%%% introduced.</p>
+%%% <p>This module automates the generation of access functions for
+%%% records. While this method cannot fully replace the utility of
+%%% pattern matching, it does allow a fair bit of functionality on
+%%% records without the need for compile-time dependencies.</p>
+%%% <p>Whenever record definitions need to be exported from a module,
+%%% inserting a compiler attribute,
+%%% <code>export_records([RecName|...])</code> causes this transform
+%%% to lay out access functions for the exported records:</p>
+%%% <pre>
+%%% -record(a, {a, b, c}).
+%%% -export_records([a]).
+%%% -export(['#info-'/2,
+%%% '#get-'/2, '#set-'/2,
+%%% '#new-a'/0, '#new-a'/1,
+%%% '#get-a'/2, '#set-a'/2,
+%%% '#info-a'/1]).
+%%% '#info-'(Info, Rec) when is_record(Rec, a) -&gt;
+%%% '#info-a'(Info).
+%%% '#get-'(Attrs, Rec) when is_record(Rec, a) -&gt;
+%%% '#get-a'(Attrs, Rec).
+%%% '#set-'(Attrs, Rec) when is_record(Rec, a) -&gt;
+%%% '#set-a'(Attrs, Rec).
+%%% '#new-a'() -&gt; #a{}.
+%%% '#new-a'(Vals) -&gt; '#set-a'(Vals, #a{}).
+%%% '#get-a'(Attrs, R) when is_list(Attrs) -&gt;
+%%% ['#get-a'(A, R) || A &lt;- Attrs];
+%%% '#get-a'(a, R) -&gt; R#a.a;
+%%% '#get-a'(b, R) -&gt; R#a.b;
+%%% '#get-a'(c, R) -&gt; R#a.c.
+%%% '#set-a'(Vals, Rec) -&gt;
+%%% F = fun ([], R, _F1) -&gt; R;
+%%% ([{a, V} | T], R, F1) -&gt; F1(T, R#a{a = V}, F1);
+%%% ([{b, V} | T], R, F1) -&gt; F1(T, R#a{b = V}, F1);
+%%% ([{c, V} | T], R, F1) -&gt; F1(T, R#a{c = V}, F1)
+%%% end,
+%%% F(Vals, Rec, F).
+%%% '#info-a'(size) -&gt; record_info(size, a);
+%%% '#info-a'(fields) -&gt; record_info(fields, a).
+%%% </pre>
+%%% <p>The generated accessor functions are:</p>
+%%% <table border="1">
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#new-R'() -&gt; #R{}</code></td>
+%%% <td>Instantiates a new record of type `R'.</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#new-R'(Data) -&gt; #R{}</code></td>
+%%% <td>Exactly equivalent to calling
+%%% <code>'#set-R'(Data,'#new-R'())</code></td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#info-R'(Info) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;[FldName]<br/>
+%%% Info :: fields | size</code></td>
+%%% <td>Equivalent to `record_info(fields, R)' for the
+%%% given record type R.</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#info-'(Info, Rec) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;[FldName]</code></td>
+%%% <td>Detects the record type of `Rec', and calls the corresponding
+%%% <code>'#info-R'/1</code> function.</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#get-R'(A, Rec) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;Value | [Value]</code></td>
+%%% <td>Returns the value (if `A' is an atom) of the given field,
+%%% in `Rec' (which must be a record of type `R'),
+%%% or a list of values (if `A' is a list of atoms).</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#get-'(A, Rec) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;Value | [Value]</code></td>
+%%% <td>Detects the record type of `Rec' and calls the corresponding
+%%% <code>'#get-R'(A, Rec)</code> function.</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#set-R'(Data, Rec) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;Data | [{Attr::atom(), Value}]</code></td>
+%%% <td>Takes a list of `{Attr,Value}' tuples and sets the corresponding
+%%% attributes in the record `Rec' (which must be of type `R').
+%%% Each `Attr' in the list must correspond to an actual attribute
+%%% in the record `R'.</td></tr>
+%%% <tr><td><code>'#set-'(Data, Rec) -&gt;<br/>
+%%% &#160;&#160;Value | [Value]</code></td>
+%%% <td>Detects the record type of `Rec' and calls the corresponding
+%%% <code>'#set-R'(Data, Rec)</code> function.</td></tr>
+%%% </table>
+%%% @end
+ format_error/1,
+ transform/3,
+ context/2]).
+-record(context, {module,
+ function,
+ arity}).
+-record(pass1, {exports = [],
+ generated = false,
+ records = []}).
+-define(HERE, {?MODULE, ?LINE}).
+-define(ERROR(R, F, I),
+ begin
+ rpt_error(R, F, I),
+ throw({error,get_pos(I),{unknown,R}})
+ end).
+get_pos(I) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(form, I) of
+ undefined ->
+ 0;
+ Form ->
+ erl_syntax:get_pos(Form)
+ end.
+parse_transform(Forms, Options) ->
+ [File|_] = [F || {attribute,_,file,{F,_}} <- Forms],
+ try do_transform(Forms, Options) of
+ Res ->
+%% io:format("Res = ~p~n", [Res]),
+ Res
+ catch
+ throw:{error, Ln, What} ->
+ {error, [{File, [{Ln, ?MODULE, What}]}], []}
+ end.
+do_transform(Forms, _Options) ->
+ %%
+ %% 1st pass - collect record info
+ %%
+ Fun1 =
+ fun(attribute, {attribute,_L,record,RecDef}=Form, _Ctxt, Acc) ->
+ Recs0 = Acc#pass1.records,
+ {Form, false, Acc#pass1{records = [RecDef|Recs0]}};
+ (attribute, {attribute,_L,export_records, E}=Form, _Ctxt, Acc) ->
+ Exports0 = Acc#pass1.exports,
+ NewExports = Exports0 ++ E,
+ {Form, false, Acc#pass1{exports = NewExports}};
+ (_Type, Form, _Context, Acc) ->
+ {Form, false, Acc}
+ end,
+ {Forms1, Acc1} = pass(Forms, Fun1, _Acc = #pass1{}),
+ %%
+ %% 2nd pass - generate accessor functions
+ %%
+ Fun2 =
+ fun(attribute, {attribute,L,export_records,Es} = Form, _Ctxt,
+ #pass1{exports = [_|_] = Es} = Acc) ->
+ Exports = [{list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info)), 2},
+ {list_to_atom(fname_prefix(get)), 2},
+ {list_to_atom(fname_prefix(set)), 2} |
+ lists:concat(
+ lists:map(
+ fun(Rec) ->
+ FNew = fname(new, Rec),
+ [{FNew, 0}, {FNew,1},
+ {fname(get, Rec), 2},
+ {fname(set, Rec), 2},
+ {fname(info, Rec), 1}]
+ end, Es))],
+ {[],
+ Form,
+ [{attribute,L,export,Exports}],
+ false, Acc};
+ (function, Form, _Ctxt, #pass1{exports = [_|_],
+ generated = false} = Acc) ->
+ %% Layout record funs before first function
+ L = element(2, Form),
+ Funs = generate_accessors(L, Acc),
+ {Funs, Form, [], false, Acc#pass1{generated = true}};
+ (_Type, Form, _Ctxt, Acc) ->
+ {Form, false, Acc}
+ end,
+ {Forms2, Acc2} = pass(Forms1, Fun2, Acc1),
+ case Acc2#pass1.generated of
+ true ->
+ Forms2;
+ false ->
+ case Acc2#pass1.exports of
+ [] ->
+ Forms2;
+ [_|_] ->
+ [{eof,Last}|RevForms] = lists:reverse(Forms2),
+ [{function, NewLast, _, _, _}|_] = RevAs =
+ lists:reverse(generate_accessors(Last, Acc2)),
+ lists:reverse([{eof, NewLast+1} | RevAs] ++ RevForms)
+ end
+ end.
+pass(Forms, Fun, Acc) ->
+ {NewTree, NewAcc} = transform(Forms, Fun, Acc),
+ NewForms = [erl_syntax:revert(T) || T <- lists:flatten(NewTree)],
+ {NewForms, NewAcc}.
+generate_accessors(L, Acc) ->
+ [f_info(Acc, L),
+ f_get(Acc, L),
+ f_set(Acc, L) |
+ lists:concat(
+ lists:map(
+ fun(Rname) ->
+ Fields = get_flds(Rname, Acc),
+ [f_new_0(Rname, L),
+ f_new_1(Rname, L),
+ f_get_2(Rname, Fields, L),
+ f_set_2(Rname, Fields, L),
+ f_info_1(Rname, L)]
+ end, Acc#pass1.exports))].
+get_flds(Rname, #pass1{records = Rs}) ->
+ {value, {_, Flds}} = lists:keysearch(Rname, 1, Rs),
+ lists:map(
+ fun({record_field,_, {atom,_,N}}) -> N;
+ ({record_field,_, {atom,_,N}, _}) -> N
+ end, Flds).
+fname_prefix(Op) ->
+ case Op of
+ new -> "#new-";
+ get -> "#get-";
+ set -> "#set-";
+ info -> "#info-"
+ end.
+fname(Op, Rname) ->
+ Prefix = fname_prefix(Op),
+ list_to_atom(Prefix ++ atom_to_list(Rname)).
+%%% Accessor functions
+f_new_0(Rname, L) ->
+ {function, L, fname(new, Rname), 0,
+ [{clause, L, [], [],
+ [{record, L, Rname, []}]}]}.
+f_new_1(Rname, L) ->
+ {function, L, fname(new, Rname), 1,
+ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}], [],
+ [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(set, Rname)},
+ [{var, L, 'Vals'},
+ {record, L, Rname, []}
+ ]}]
+ }]}.
+f_set_2(Rname, Flds, L) ->
+ {function, L, fname(set, Rname), 2,
+ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Vals'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}], [],
+ [{match, L, {var, L, 'F'},
+ {'fun', L,
+ {clauses,
+ [{clause, L, [{nil,L},
+ {var,L,'R'},
+ {var,L,'_F1'}],
+ [],
+ [{var, L, 'R'}]} |
+ [{clause, L,
+ [{cons, L, {tuple, L, [{atom, L, Attr},
+ {var, L, 'V'}]},
+ {var, L, 'T'}},
+ {var, L, 'R'},
+ {var, L, 'F1'}],
+ [],
+ [{call, L, {var, L, 'F1'},
+ [{var,L,'T'},
+ {record, L, {var,L,'R'}, Rname,
+ [{record_field, L,
+ {atom, L, Attr},
+ {var, L, 'V'}}]},
+ {var, L, 'F1'}]}]} || Attr <- Flds]]}}},
+ {call, L, {var, L, 'F'}, [{var, L, 'Vals'},
+ {var, L, 'Rec'},
+ {var, L, 'F'}]}]}]}.
+f_get_2(Rname, Flds, L) ->
+ FName = fname(get, Rname),
+ {function, L, FName, 2,
+ [{clause, L, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}, {var, L, 'R'}],
+ [[{call, L, {atom, L, is_list}, [{var, L, 'Attrs'}]}]],
+ [{lc, L, {call, L, {atom, L, FName}, [{var, L, 'A'}, {var, L, 'R'}]},
+ [{generate, L, {var, L, 'A'}, {var, L, 'Attrs'}}]}]
+ } |
+ [{clause, L, [{atom, L, Attr}, {var, L, 'R'}], [],
+ [{record_field, L, {var, L, 'R'}, Rname, {atom, L, Attr}}]} ||
+ Attr <- Flds]]
+ }.
+f_info(Acc, L) ->
+ Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(info)),
+ {function, L, Fname, 2,
+ [{clause, L,
+ [{var, L, 'Info'}, {var, L, 'Rec'}],
+ [[{call, L,
+ {atom, L, is_record},
+ [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]],
+ [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(info, R)}, [{var, L, 'Info'}]}]} ||
+ R <- Acc#pass1.exports]}.
+f_get(Acc, L) ->
+ f_getset(get, Acc, L).
+f_set(Acc, L) ->
+ f_getset(set, Acc, L).
+f_getset(Mode, Acc, L) when Mode == get; Mode == set ->
+ Fname = list_to_atom(fname_prefix(Mode)),
+ {function, L, Fname, 2,
+ [{clause, L,
+ [{var, L, 'Attrs'},
+ {var, L, 'Rec'}],
+ [[{call, L,
+ {atom, L, is_record},
+ [{var, L, 'Rec'}, {atom, L, R}]}]],
+ [{call, L, {atom, L, fname(Mode, R)}, [{var, L, 'Attrs'},
+ {var, L, 'Rec'}]}]} ||
+ R <- Acc#pass1.exports]}.
+f_info_1(Rname, L) ->
+ {function, L, fname(info, Rname), 1,
+ [{clause, L, [{atom, L, fields}], [],
+ [{call, L, {atom, L, record_info},
+ [{atom, L, fields}, {atom, L, Rname}]}]
+ },
+ {clause, L, [{atom, L, size}], [],
+ [{call, L, {atom, L, record_info},
+ [{atom, L, size}, {atom, L, Rname}]}]
+ }]}.
+%%% ========== generic parse_transform stuff ==============
+context(module, #context{module = M} ) -> M;
+context(function, #context{function = F}) -> F;
+context(arity, #context{arity = A} ) -> A.
+transform(Forms, F, Acc) ->
+ case [{L,M} || {attribute, L, module, M} <- Forms] of
+ [{_,Module}] ->
+ transform(Forms, F, #context{module = Module}, Acc);
+ [] ->
+ ?ERROR(missing_module_attribute, ?HERE, []);
+ [_|_] = Multiple ->
+ ?ERROR(multiple_module_attributes, ?HERE,
+ [{L,{module,M}} || {L,M} <- Multiple])
+ end.
+transform(Forms, F, Context, Acc) ->
+ F1 =
+ fun(Form, Acc0) ->
+ Type = erl_syntax:type(Form),
+ {Before1, Form1, After1, Recurse, Acc1} =
+ try F(Type, Form, Context, Acc0) of
+ {F1, Rec1, A1} ->
+ {[], F1, [], Rec1, A1};
+ {_Be1, _F1, _Af1, _Rec1, _Ac1} = Res1 ->
+ Res1
+ catch
+ error:Reason ->
+ ?ERROR(Reason,
+ ?HERE,
+ [{type, Type},
+ {context, Context},
+ {acc, Acc},
+ {form, Form}])
+ end,
+ if Recurse == true ->
+ case erl_syntax:subtrees(Form1) of
+ [] ->
+ {Before1, Form1, After1, Acc1};
+ ListOfLists ->
+ {NewListOfLists, NewAcc} =
+ mapfoldl(
+ fun(L, AccX) ->
+ transform(
+ L, F,
+ new_context(
+ Form1, Context), AccX)
+ end, Acc1, ListOfLists),
+ NewForm =
+ erl_syntax:update_tree(
+ Form, NewListOfLists),
+ {Before1, NewForm, After1, NewAcc}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ {Before1, Form1, After1, Acc1}
+ end
+ end,
+ mapfoldl(F1, Acc, Forms).
+new_context(Form, Context0) ->
+ case erl_syntax:type(Form) of
+ function ->
+ {Fun, Arity} =
+ erl_syntax_lib:analyze_function(Form),
+ Context0#context{function = Fun,
+ arity = Arity};
+ _ ->
+ Context0
+ end.
+%%% Slightly modified version of lists:mapfoldl/3
+%%% Here, F/2 is able to insert forms before and after the form
+%%% in question. The inserted forms are not transformed afterwards.
+mapfoldl(F, Accu0, [Hd|Tail]) ->
+ {Before, Res, After, Accu1} =
+ case F(Hd, Accu0) of
+ {Be, _, Af, _} = Result when is_list(Be), is_list(Af) ->
+ Result;
+ {R1, A1} ->
+ {[], R1, [], A1}
+ end,
+ {Rs, Accu2} = mapfoldl(F, Accu1, Tail),
+ {Before ++ [Res| After ++ Rs], Accu2};
+mapfoldl(F, Accu, []) when is_function(F, 2) -> {[], Accu}.
+rpt_error(Reason, Fun, Info) ->
+ Fmt = lists:flatten(
+ ["*** ERROR in parse_transform function:~n"
+ "*** Reason = ~p~n",
+ "*** Location: ~p~n",
+ ["*** ~10w = ~p~n" || _ <- Info]]),
+ Args = [Reason, Fun |
+ lists:foldr(
+ fun({K,V}, Acc) ->
+ [K, V | Acc]
+ end, [], Info)],
+ io:format(Fmt, Args).
+format_error({_Cat, Error}) ->
+ Error.