diff options
2 files changed, 242 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/src/sccp_scoc.erl b/src/sccp_scoc.erl
index fb9bd0b..8b6afd3 100644
--- a/src/sccp_scoc.erl
+++ b/src/sccp_scoc.erl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% ITU-T Q.71x SCCP Connection-oriented Control (SCOC)
-% (C) 2010 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
+% (C) 2010-2012 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
% All Rights Reserved
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
@@ -48,9 +49,10 @@
scrc_pid, % pid()
rx_inact_timer, % TRef
tx_inact_timer, % TRef
- local_reference,
- remote_reference,
- class,
+ local_reference, % integer()
+ remote_reference, % integer()
+ mtp3_label, % mtp3_routing_label{}
+ class, % {integer(), integer()}
user_pid % pid()
@@ -75,18 +77,15 @@ handle_event(stop, _StateName, LoopDat) ->
handle_event({timer_expired, tx_inact_timer}, State, LoopDat) ->
% FIXME: T(ias) is expired, send IT message
io:format("T(ias) is expired, send IT message~n", []),
- #state{local_reference = LocRef, remote_reference = RemRef,
- class = Class} = LoopDat,
- Params = [{dst_local_ref, RemRef},{src_local_ref, LocRef},
- {protocol_class, Class}, {seq_segm, 0}, {credit, 0}],
- Msg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_IT, parameters = Params},
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC','CONNECTION-MSG', request, Msg)),
+ Params = [{protocol_class, LoopDat#state.class},
+ {seq_segm, 0}, {credit, 0}],
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_IT, Params, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, State, LoopDat};
-handle_event({timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}, State, LoopDat) ->
- io:format("FIXME: T(iar) is expired, release connection~n", []),
- % FIXME: Initiate connection release procedure
- {next_state, State, LoopDat}.
+handle_event({timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}, _State, LoopDat) ->
+ io:format("T(iar) is expired, release connection~n", []),
+ % Initiate connection release procedure
+ disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_SCCP_FAILURE).
% helper function to send a primitive to the user
send_user(_LoopDat = #state{user_pid = Pid}, Prim = #primitive{}) ->
@@ -94,20 +93,20 @@ send_user(_LoopDat = #state{user_pid = Pid}, Prim = #primitive{}) ->
% low-level functions regarding activity timers
restart_tx_inact_timer(LoopDat) ->
- Tias = timer:apply_after(?TX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
- [self(), {timer_expired, tx_inact_timer}]),
+ {ok, Tias} = timer:apply_after(?TX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
+ [self(), {timer_expired, tx_inact_timer}]),
LoopDat#state{tx_inact_timer = Tias}.
restart_rx_inact_timer(LoopDat) ->
- Tiar = timer:apply_after(?RX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
- [self(), {timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}]),
+ {ok, Tiar} = timer:apply_after(?RX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
+ [self(), {timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}]),
LoopDat#state{rx_inact_timer = Tiar}.
start_inact_timers(LoopDat) ->
- Tias = timer:apply_after(?TX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
- [self(), {timer_expired, tx_inact_timer}]),
- Tiar = timer:apply_after(?RX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
- [self(), {timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}]),
+ {ok, Tias} = timer:apply_after(?TX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
+ [self(), {timer_expired, tx_inact_timer}]),
+ {ok, Tiar} = timer:apply_after(?RX_INACT_TIMER, gen_fsm, send_all_state_event,
+ [self(), {timer_expired, rx_inact_timer}]),
LoopDat#state{rx_inact_timer = Tiar, tx_inact_timer = Tias}.
stop_inact_timers(#state{rx_inact_timer = Tiar, tx_inact_timer = Tias}) ->
@@ -125,20 +124,24 @@ idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT',
% local reference already assigned in SCRC when instantiating this SCOC
LocalRef = LoopDat#state.local_reference,
% FIXME: determine protocol class and credit
- ParamDown = Param ++ [{src_local_ref, LocalRef}, {protocol_class, {2,0}}],
+ Class = {2,0},
+ ParamDown = Param ++ [{src_local_ref, LocalRef}, {protocol_class, Class}],
osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC','CONNECTION', indication, ParamDown)),
% start connection timer
- {next_state, conn_pend_out, LoopDat, ?CONNECTION_TIMER};
+ {next_state, conn_pend_out, LoopDat#state{class = Class}, ?CONNECTION_TIMER};
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION',
spec_name = indication, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
% associate remote reference to connection section
RemRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
+ % determine the MTP3 label from Calling Party and/or MTP3 header
+ Mtp3Label = determine_m3l_from_cr(Params),
% determine protocol class and FIXME: credit
Class = proplists:get_value(protocol_class, Params),
- LoopDat1 = LoopDat#state{remote_reference = RemRef, class = Class},
+ LoopDat1 = LoopDat#state{remote_reference = RemRef, class = Class,
+ mtp3_label = mtp3_codec:invert_rout_lbl(Mtp3Label)},
% send N-CONNECT.ind to user
send_user(LoopDat1, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'CONNECT', indication, [{scoc_pid, self()}|Params])),
%#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT', spec_name = indication}
@@ -154,15 +157,17 @@ idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'ROUTING FAILURE',
%FIXME: request type 2 ?!?
-idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'RELEASED',
- spec_name = indication}, LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASE COMPLETE', indication)),
+idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD}}, LoopDat) ->
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, [], LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
-idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'RELEASE COMPLETE',
- spec_name = indication}, LoopDat) ->
+idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC}}, LoopDat) ->
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
idle(#primitive{subsystem= 'RCOC', gen_name = 'DATA',
@@ -189,25 +194,26 @@ conn_pend_in(any_npdu_type, LoopDat) ->
conn_pend_in(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'DISCONNECT',
spec_name = request, parameters = Param}, LoopDat) ->
% release resourcers (local ref may have to be released an frozen)
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'CONNECTION REFUSED', indication, Param)),
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_CREF, Param, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat}.
-disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat) ->
+disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat, RelCause) ->
+ Params = [{release_cause, RelCause}],
% send N-DISCONNECT.ind to user
- send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DISCONNECT',indication)),
+ send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DISCONNECT',indication, Params)),
% stop inactivity timers
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASED', indication)),
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, Params, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
% start release timer
{next_state, disconnect_pending, LoopDat, ?RELEASE_TIMER}.
-rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat) ->
+rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, Params) ->
% release resources and local reference (freeze)
% send N-DISCONNECT.ind to user
- send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DISCONNECT', indication)),
+ send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DISCONNECT', indication, Params)),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat}.
@@ -217,25 +223,24 @@ conn_pend_out(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'DISCONNECT',
% FIXME: what about the connection timer ?
{next_state, wait_conn_conf, LoopDat};
conn_pend_out(timeout, LoopDat) ->
- rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat);
+ rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, [{refusal_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REF_EXP_CONN_EST_TMR}]);
conn_pend_out(routing_failure, LoopDat) ->
- rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat);
+ rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, [{refusal_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REF_DEST_INACCESS}]);
conn_pend_out(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
spec_name = indication,
parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD,
parameters = Params}}, LoopDat) ->
- Sccp = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, parameters = Params},
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'CONNECTION-MSG', indication, Sccp)),
- rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat);
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, [], LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
+ rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, Params);
% other N-PDU Type
conn_pend_out(other_npdu_type, LoopDat) ->
- rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat);
+ rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, [{refusal_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REF_INCOMP_USER_DATA}]);
conn_pend_out(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
spec_name = indication,
parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CREF,
parameters = Params}}, LoopDat) ->
- rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat);
+ rel_res_disc_ind_idle_2(LoopDat, Params);
conn_pend_out(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
spec_name = indication,
parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CC,
@@ -244,11 +249,13 @@ conn_pend_out(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
LoopDat1 = start_inact_timers(LoopDat),
% assign protocol class and associate remote reference to connection
SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
- LoopDat2 = LoopDat1#state{remote_reference = SrcLocalRef},
+ Mtp3Label = proplists:get_value(mtp3_label, Params),
+ LoopDat2 = LoopDat1#state{remote_reference = SrcLocalRef,
+ mtp3_label = mtp3_codec:invert_rout_lbl(Mtp3Label)},
% send N-CONNECT.conf to user
send_user(LoopDat2, #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT',
spec_name = confirm, parameters = Params}),
- {next_state, active, LoopDat1}.
+ {next_state, active, LoopDat2}.
stop_c_tmr_rel_idle_5(LoopDat) ->
% stop connection timer (implicit)
@@ -259,28 +266,38 @@ rel_freeze_idle(LoopDat) ->
{next_state, idle, LoopDat}.
% STATE Wait connection confirmed
-wait_conn_conf(released, LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASE COMPLETE', indication)),
+wait_conn_conf(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD}}, LoopDat) ->
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, [], LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
-wait_conn_conf(connection_confirm, LoopDat) ->
+wait_conn_conf(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CC,
+ parameters = Params}}, LoopDat) ->
% stop connection timer (implicit)
- % associate remote reference to connection
- relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat);
+ % associate remote reference to connection section
+ % assign protocol class and associate remote reference to connection
+ SrcLocalRef = proplists:get_value(src_local_ref, Params),
+ Mtp3Label = proplists:get_value(mtp3_label, Params),
+ LoopDat2 = LoopDat#state{remote_reference = SrcLocalRef,
+ mtp3_label = mtp3_codec:invert_rout_lbl(Mtp3Label)},
+ relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat2, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_USER_ORIG);
wait_conn_conf(other_npdu_type, LoopDat) ->
% stop connection timer (implicit)
wait_conn_conf(timeout, LoopDat) ->
-wait_conn_conf(connection_refused, LoopDat) ->
+wait_conn_conf(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CREF}}, LoopDat) ->
wait_conn_conf(routing_failure, LoopDat) ->
-relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASED', indication)),
+relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat, RelCause) ->
+ Params = [{release_cause, RelCause}],
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, Params, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
% start release timer
{next_state, disconnect_pending, LoopDat, ?RELEASE_TIMER}.
@@ -288,13 +305,12 @@ relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat) ->
active(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'DISCONNECT',
spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
% stop inactivity timers
- start_inact_timers(LoopDat),
- relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat);
+ LoopDat1 = start_inact_timers(LoopDat),
+ relsd_tmr_disc_pend_6(LoopDat1, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_USER_ORIG);
active(internal_disconnect, LoopDat) ->
- disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat);
+ disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_SCCP_FAILURE);
active(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
- parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType,
- parameters = Params}}, LoopDat)
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType}}, LoopDat)
when MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CREF;
MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CC;
MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC ->
@@ -309,8 +325,8 @@ active(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name ='CONNECTION-MSG',
% release resources and local reference (freeze)
% stop inactivity timers
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASE COMPLETE', indication)),
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, [], LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
active(error, LoopDat) ->
% send N-DISCONNECT.ind to user
@@ -319,11 +335,11 @@ active(error, LoopDat) ->
% release resources and local reference (freeze)
% stop inactivity timers
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASE COMPLETE', indication)),
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLC, [], LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
-active(rcv_inact_tmr_exp, LoopDat) ->
- disc_ind_stop_rel_3(LoopDat);
+%active(rcv_inact_tmr_exp, LoopDat) ->
+% this is handled in the global handle_event() above
active(routing_failure, LoopDat) ->
% send N-DISCONNECT.ind to user
send_user(LoopDat, #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'DISCONNECT',
@@ -344,44 +360,53 @@ active(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'DATA',
LoopDat1 = restart_tx_inact_timer(LoopDat),
{next_state, active, LoopDat1};
active(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
- spec_name = indication, parameters = Msg}, LoopDat) ->
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_DT1,
+ parameters = Params}}, LoopDat) ->
% restart receive inactivity timer
LoopDat1 = restart_rx_inact_timer(LoopDat),
% FIXME handle protocol class 3
% FIXME check for M-bit=1 and put data in Rx queue
% N-DATA.ind to user
- UserData = proplists:get_value(user_data, Msg#sccp_msg.parameters),
- send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DATA', indication, {user_data, UserData})),
+ UserData = proplists:get_value(user_data, Params),
+ send_user(LoopDat1, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'DATA', indication, {user_data, UserData})),
{next_state, active, LoopDat1};
% Reset procedures
active(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'RESET',
- spec_name = request, parameters = Param}, LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RESET', request, Param)),
- % start reset timer
+ spec_name = request, parameters = _Param}, LoopDat) ->
+ CausePar = [{reset_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_RES_ENDU_ORIGINATED}],
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RSR, CausePar, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
+ % start reset timer (implicit next_state below)
% restart send inact timer
LoopDat1 = restart_tx_inact_timer(LoopDat),
% reset variables and discard all queued and unacked msgs
{next_state, reset_outgoing, LoopDat1, ?RESET_TIMER};
active(internal_reset_req, LoopDat) ->
+ CausePar = [{reset_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_RES_SCCP_USER_ORIG}],
% N-RESET.ind to user
- send_user(LoopDat, #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'RESET',
- spec_name = indication}),
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RESET', request)),
+ send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'RESET', indication,
+ CausePar)),
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RSR, CausePar, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
% start reset timer
% restart send inact timer
LoopDat1 = restart_tx_inact_timer(LoopDat),
% reset variables and discard all queued and unacked msgs
{next_state, bothway_reset, LoopDat1, ?RESET_TIMER};
-active(reset_confirm, LoopDat) ->
+active(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RSC}}, LoopDat) ->
% discard received message
{next_state, active, LoopDat};
-active(reset_req, LoopDat) ->
+active(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RSR,
+ parameters = Params}}, LoopDat) ->
% restart send inactivity timer
LoopDat1 = restart_tx_inact_timer(LoopDat),
% N-RESET.ind to user
- send_user(LoopDat, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'RESET', indication)),
+ send_user(LoopDat1, osmo_util:make_prim('N', 'RESET', indication, Params)),
% reset variables and discard all queued and unacked msgs
{next_state, reset_incoming, LoopDat1}.
@@ -391,7 +416,9 @@ rel_res_stop_tmr_12(LoopDat) ->
{next_state, idle, LoopDat}.
% STATE Disconnect pending
-disconnect_pending(release_complete, LoopDat) ->
+disconnect_pending(#primitive{subsystem = 'RCOC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
+ spec_name = indication,
+ parameters = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC}}, LoopDat) ->
disconnect_pending(released_error, LoopDat) ->
@@ -401,18 +428,21 @@ disconnect_pending(other_npdu_type, LoopDat) ->
% discared received message
{next_state, disconnect_pending, LoopDat};
disconnect_pending(timeout, LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASED', indication)),
- % start interval timer
- % FIXME start repeat release timer
+ % FIXME: store the original release cause and use same cause here
+ Params = [{release_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_UNQUALIFIED}],
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, Params, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
+ % FIXME: start interval timer
+ % start repeat release timer
{next_state, disconnect_pending, ?RELEASE_REP_TIMER};
disconnect_pending(intv_tmr_exp, LoopDat) ->
% inform maintenance
% FIXME: this is currently ending up in normal 'timeout' above
disconnect_pending(repeat_release_tmr_exp, LoopDat) ->
- gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid,
- osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'RELEASED', indication)),
+ Params = [{release_cause, ?SCCP_CAUSE_REL_UNQUALIFIED}],
+ Prim = gen_co_sccp_prim(?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD, Params, LoopDat),
+ gen_fsm:send_event(LoopDat#state.scrc_pid, Prim),
% FIXME restart repeat release timer
{next_state, disconnect_pending}.
@@ -490,3 +520,58 @@ reset_incoming(other_npdu_type, LoopDat) ->
{next_state, active, LoopDat}.
% FIXME: response or request
+msg_has(MsgType, src_local_ref, LoopDat) when
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CR;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RSR;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RSC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_IT ->
+ [{src_local_ref, LoopDat#state.local_reference}];
+msg_has(MsgType, dst_local_ref, LoopDat) when
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CR;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_CREF;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RLSD;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RLC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_DT1;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_DT2;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_AK;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_ED;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RSR;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_RSC;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_ERR;
+ MsgType == ?SCCP_MSGT_IT ->
+ [{dst_local_ref, LoopDat#state.remote_reference}];
+msg_has(MsgType, _, _LoopDat) ->
+ [].
+% generate a Connection Oriented SCCP message, automatically adding src and dst
+% local reference if required for the specific message type
+gen_co_sccp(MsgType, ParamsIn, LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, state) ->
+ Params = msg_has(MsgType, src_local_ref, LoopDat) ++
+ msg_has(MsgType, dst_local_ref, LoopDat),
+ #sccp_msg{msg_type = MsgType, parameters = ParamsIn ++ Params}.
+% generate a OCRC primitive containing a connection oriented SCCP message
+gen_co_sccp_prim(MsgType, ParamsIn, LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, state) ->
+ Label = LoopDat#state.mtp3_label,
+ Sccp = gen_co_sccp(MsgType, ParamsIn, LoopDat),
+ osmo_util:make_prim('OCRC', 'CONNECTION-MSG', request, [Sccp, Label]).
+% According to Q.714 2.7 d)
+determine_m3l_from_cr(Params) ->
+ M3l = proplists:get_value(mtp3_label, Params),
+ % if there is no calling party, or no point code in the calling party,
+ % we have to use the MTP3 OPC as point code for the 'connection section'
+ case proplists:get_value(calling_party_addr, Params) of
+ undefined ->
+ M3l;
+ #sccp_addr{point_code = undefined} ->
+ M3l;
+ #sccp_addr{point_code = Spc} ->
+ M3l#mtp3_routing_label{origin_pc = Spc}
+ end.
diff --git a/src/sccp_scrc.erl b/src/sccp_scrc.erl
index 27fd9af..53e6c08 100644
--- a/src/sccp_scrc.erl
+++ b/src/sccp_scrc.erl
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ terminate(Reason, _State, _LoopDat) ->
% helper function to create new SCOC instance
-spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat) ->
+spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, scrc_state) ->
% create new SCOC instance
UserPid = LoopDat#scrc_state.user_pid,
% Compute the new local reference
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ is_cr_or_connless(SccpMsg) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
% deliver message to local SCOC or SCLC
-deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, Msg, UserPid) when is_record(Msg, sccp_msg) ->
+deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, Msg, UserPid) when is_record(Msg, sccp_msg),
+ is_record(LoopDat, scrc_state) ->
case Msg of
% special handling for CR message here in SCRC
#sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_CR} ->
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, Msg, UserPid) when is_record(Msg, sccp_msg) ->
% N-CONNECT.req from user: spawn new SCOC and deliver primitive to it
idle(P = #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT',
- spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
+ spec_name = request}, LoopDat) ->
% Start new SCOC instance
{LoopDat1, ScocPid} = spawn_new_scoc(LoopDat),
% Deliver primitive to new SCOC instance
@@ -146,33 +147,39 @@ idle(P = #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'CONNECT',
{next_state, idle, LoopDat1};
% N-UNITDATA.req from user (normally this is SCLC, but we don't have SCLC)
-idle(P= #primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'UNITDATA',
+idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'N', gen_name = 'UNITDATA',
spec_name = request, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
% User needs to specify: Protocol Class, Called Party, Calling Party, Data
SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type = ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, parameters = Params},
- case sccp_routing:route_local_out(SccpMsg) of
- {remote, SccpMsg2, LsName} ->
- % FIXME: get to MTP-TRANSFER.req
- {ok, M3} = create_mtp3_out(SccpMsg2, LsName),
- % generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, M3, LsName),
- LoopDat1 = LoopDat;
- {local, SccpMsg2, UserPid} ->
- LoopDat1 = deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, SccpMsg2, UserPid)
- end,
- {next_state, idle, LoopDat1};
+ LoopDat2 = send_sccp_local_out(LoopDat, SccpMsg),
+ {next_state, idle, LoopDat2};
% MTP-TRANSFER.ind from lower layer is passed into SCRC
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
- spec_name = indication, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
- case sccp_routing:route_mtp3_sccp_in(Params) of
+ spec_name = indication, parameters = Mtp3}, LoopDat) ->
+ case sccp_routing:route_mtp3_sccp_in(Mtp3) of
{remote, SccpMsg2, LsName} ->
+ io:format("routed to remote?!?~n"),
{ok, M3} = create_mtp3_out(SccpMsg2, LsName),
% generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, M3, LsName),
+ send_mtp_transfer_down(M3, LsName),
LoopDat1 = LoopDat;
{local, SccpMsg, UserPid} ->
- LoopDat1 = deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, SccpMsg, UserPid)
+ % store the MTP3 routing label in case of CC, as SCCP
+ % needs to know it in order to send CO messages later
+ if SccpMsg#sccp_msg.msg_type == ?SCCP_MSGT_CC;
+ SccpMsg#sccp_msg.msg_type == ?SCCP_MSGT_CR ->
+ Params = SccpMsg#sccp_msg.parameters,
+ Mtp3Label = Mtp3#mtp3_msg.routing_label,
+ ParamsNew = [{mtp3_label, Mtp3Label}],
+ SccpMsg2 = SccpMsg#sccp_msg{parameters = Params ++ ParamsNew};
+ true ->
+ SccpMsg2 = SccpMsg
+ end,
+ LoopDat1 = deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, SccpMsg2, UserPid);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("route_mtp3_sccp_in: Error ~w~n", [Reason]),
+ LoopDat1 = LoopDat
{next_state, idle, LoopDat1};
idle({sclc_scrc_connless_msg, SccpMsg}, LoopDat) ->
@@ -180,38 +187,41 @@ idle({sclc_scrc_connless_msg, SccpMsg}, LoopDat) ->
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
% connection oriented messages like N-DATA.req from user
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'OCRC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION-MSG',
- spec_name = request, parameters = Msg}, LoopDat) ->
- % encode the actual SCCP message
- EncMsg = sccp_codec:encode_sccp_msg(Msg),
- % FIXME: routing and create_mtp3_out()
- % generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, EncMsg),
+ spec_name = request, parameters = [SccpMsg, Label]}, LoopDat) ->
+ % use the label to route, not the SCCP header!!
+ % according to (2) of sheet 5 SCRC state machine Q.714
+ SccpEnc = sccp_codec:encode_sccp_msg(SccpMsg),
+ M3 = #mtp3_msg{network_ind = ?MTP3_NETIND_INTERNATIONAL,
+ service_ind = ?MTP3_SERV_SCCP,
+ routing_label = Label,
+ payload = SccpEnc},
+ case ss7_routes:route_dpc(Label#mtp3_routing_label.dest_pc) of
+ {ok, LsName} ->
+ send_mtp_transfer_down(M3, LsName);
+ {error, Error} ->
+ io:format("unable to find linkset fo Dpc ~p CONNECTION-MSG~n",
+ [Label#mtp3_routing_label.dest_pc])
+ end,
{next_state, idle, LoopDat};
% SCOC has received confirmation about new incoming connection from user
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'OCRC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION',
spec_name = confirm, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
- % encode the actual SCCP message
- EncMsg = sccp_codec:encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CC, Params),
- % FIXME: routing and create_mtp3_out()
- % generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, EncMsg),
- {next_state, idle, LoopDat};
+ SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type=?SCCP_MSGT_CC, parameters=Params},
+ LoopDat2 = send_sccp_local_out(LoopDat, SccpMsg),
+ {next_state, idle, LoopDat2};
% triggered by N-CONNECT.req from user to SCOC:
idle(#primitive{subsystem = 'OCRC', gen_name = 'CONNECTION',
spec_name = indication, parameters = Params}, LoopDat) ->
- % encode the actual SCCP message
- EncMsg = sccp_codec:encode_sccp_msgt(?SCCP_MSGT_CR, Params),
- % FIXME: routing and create_mtp3_out()
- % generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, EncMsg),
- {next_state, idle, LoopDat}.
+ SccpMsg = #sccp_msg{msg_type=?SCCP_MSGT_CR, parameters=Params},
+ LoopDat2 = send_sccp_local_out(LoopDat, SccpMsg),
+ {next_state, idle, LoopDat2}.
-send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, Mtp3) when is_record(Mtp3, mtp3_msg) ->
+send_mtp_transfer_down(Mtp3) when is_record(Mtp3, mtp3_msg) ->
-send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, Mtp3, LsName) when is_record(Mtp3, mtp3_msg) ->
+send_mtp_transfer_down(Mtp3, LsName) when is_record(Mtp3, mtp3_msg) ->
ss7_links:mtp3_tx(Mtp3, LsName).
create_mtp3_out(SccpMsg, LsName) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
@@ -242,24 +252,24 @@ create_mtp3_out(SccpMsg, LsName) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
-% FIXME: the MTP3 code should net send a gen_serve:cast ?!?
-handle_info({'$gen_cast', P=#primitive{}}, State, LoopDat) ->
- #primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
- spec_name = indication, parameters = Mtp3} = P,
- {ok, SccpMsg} = sccp_codec:parse_sccp_msg(Mtp3#mtp3_msg.payload),
- % User needs to specify: Protocol Class, Called Party, Calling Party, Data
+send_sccp_local_out(LoopDat, SccpMsg) when is_record(SccpMsg, sccp_msg) ->
case sccp_routing:route_local_out(SccpMsg) of
- {error, routing} ->
- % routing tells us local subsystem not equipped
- LoopDat1 = LoopDat;
{remote, SccpMsg2, LsName} ->
% FIXME: get to MTP-TRANSFER.req
{ok, M3} = create_mtp3_out(SccpMsg2, LsName),
% generate a MTP-TRANSFER.req primitive to the lower layer
- send_mtp_transfer_down(LoopDat, M3, LsName),
- LoopDat1 = LoopDat;
+ send_mtp_transfer_down(M3, LsName),
+ LoopDat;
{local, SccpMsg2, UserPid} ->
- LoopDat1 = deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, SccpMsg2, UserPid)
- end,
- {next_state, idle, LoopDat1}.
+ deliver_to_scoc_sclc(LoopDat, SccpMsg2, UserPid);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ io:format("sccp_local_out Routing Failure ~p~n", [SccpMsg]),
+ LoopDat
+ end.
+% FIXME: the MTP3 code should net send a gen_serve:cast ?!?
+handle_info({'$gen_cast', P=#primitive{}}, _State, LoopDat) ->
+ #primitive{subsystem = 'MTP', gen_name = 'TRANSFER',
+ spec_name = indication, parameters = Mtp3} = P,
+ gen_fsm:send_event(self(), P),
+ {next_state, idle, LoopDat}.