-module(map_ss_server). -author('Harald Welte '). -include_lib("TCAP/include/tcap.hrl"). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_link/3, bind_ac/3, unbind_ac/3, dump/0]). -record(state, { supervisor, tcap_pid, as_tbl, dlg_tbl }). -record(ass_record, { ac, module }). -record(dlg_record, { dialogue_id, pid }). % client side bind_ac(Srv, AcName, Module) when is_list(AcName) -> bind_ac(Srv, list_to_tuple(AcName), Module); bind_ac(Srv, AcName, Module) when is_tuple(AcName) -> gen_server:call(Srv, {bind_ac, AcName, Module}). unbind_ac(Srv, AcName, Module) when is_list(AcName) -> unbind_ac(Srv, list_to_tuple(AcName), Module); unbind_ac(Srv, AcName, Module) when is_tuple(AcName) -> gen_server:call(Srv, {unbind_ac, AcName, Module}). dump() -> fixme. % gen_fsm callbacks start_link(Supervisor, Ssn, TCO) when is_integer(Ssn) -> ProcName = list_to_atom(?MODULE ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Ssn)), gen_server:start_link({local, ProcName}, ?MODULE, [Supervisor, Ssn, TCO], []). init([Supervisor, Ssn, TCO]) -> AssTbl = ets:new(list_to_atom(?MODULE ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Ssn)), [ordered_set, named_table, {keypos, #ass_record.ac}]), DlgTbl = ets:new(list_to_atom(?MODULE ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(Ssn) ++ "_dlg"), [ordered_set, named_table, {keypos, #dlg_record.dialogue_id}]), {ok, #state{supervisor = Supervisor, tcap_pid = TCO, as_tbl = AssTbl, dlg_tbl = DlgTbl}}. handle_call({bind_ac, Ac, Module}, _From, LoopDat) -> NewRec = #ass_record{ac = Ac, module = Module}, case ets:insert_new(LoopDat#state.as_tbl, NewRec) of false -> {reply, {error, ets_insert}, LoopDat}; _ -> {reply, ok, LoopDat} end; handle_call({unbind_ac, Ac, Module}, _From, LoopDat) -> DelRec = #ass_record{ac = Ac, module = Module}, ets:delete_object(LoopDat#state.as_tbl, DelRec), {reply, ok, LoopDat}. handle_cast(W={'TC',_,_,_}, LoopDat) -> handle_tcap(W, LoopDat); handle_cast(Info, LoopDat) -> error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_cast", {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info}, {state, LoopDat}]), {noreply, LoopDat}. handle_info(Info, LoopDat) -> error_logger:error_report(["unknown handle_info", {module, ?MODULE}, {info, Info}, {state, LoopDat}]), {noreply, LoopDat}. terminate(Reason, _LoopDat) -> io:format("terminating ~p with reason ~p~n", [self(), Reason]), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. % server side handle_tcap({'TC','BEGIN',indication, I=#'TC-BEGIN'{appContextName = Ac, dialogueID = DlgId}}, LoopDat) -> case dlg_pid_for_id(DlgId, LoopDat) of {ok, _Pid} -> error_logger:error_report(["TC-BEGIN for existing Dialogue", {dialogue_id, DlgId}]), Abrt = gen_abort(I, applicationContextNotSupported), tcap_user:send_prim(LoopDat#state.tcap_pid, {'TC','U-ABORT',request,Abrt}); {error, _} -> case mod_for_ac(Ac, LoopDat) of {ok, Module} -> Args = [LoopDat#state.tcap_pid, Ac, DlgId, Module], ChildName = list_to_atom("dlg_" ++ integer_to_list(DlgId)), Mfa = {gen_server, start_link, [map_dlg_server, Args, []]}, ChildSpec = {ChildName, Mfa, temporary, 1000, worker, [map_dlg_server, Module]}, {ok, Pid} = supervisor:start_child(LoopDat#state.supervisor, ChildSpec), gen_fsm:send_event(Pid, I), % FIXME: how to safely remove the Pid in all cases of dialogue termination? ets:insert(LoopDat#state.dlg_tbl, #dlg_record{dialogue_id=DlgId, pid=Pid}); {error, _Reason} -> error_logger:error_report(["TC-BEGIN for non-existing AC", {application_context, Ac}]), % send a TC-U-ABORT Abrt = gen_abort(I, applicationContextNotSupported), tcap_user:send_prim(LoopDat#state.tcap_pid, {'TC','U-ABORT',request,Abrt}) end end; handle_tcap({'TC', What, indication, P}, LoopDat) when What == 'CONTINUE'; What == 'END'; What == 'U-ABORT'; What == 'P-ABORT'; What == 'NOTICE' -> DlgId = tcap_user:get_dialg_id(P), % look up the Pid for the specific Dialogue Handler case dlg_pid_for_id(DlgId, LoopDat) of {ok, Pid} -> gen_fsm:send_event(Pid, P); _ -> error_logger:error_report(["TC-Dialogue non-existing DialogueID", {dialogue_id, DlgId}]), Abrt = gen_abort(P, dialogueRefused), tcap_user:send_prim(LoopDat#state.tcap_pid, {'TC','U-ABORT',request,Abrt}) end; handle_tcap({'TC', What, indication, P}, LoopDat) when What == 'INVOKE'; What == 'RESULT-L'; What == 'RESULT-NL'; What == 'U-ERROR'; What == 'L-CANCEL'; What == 'L-REJECT'; What == 'U-REJECT'; What == 'TIMER-RESET' -> DlgId = tcap_user:get_dialg_id(P), % look up the Pid for the specific Dialogue Handler case dlg_pid_for_id(DlgId, LoopDat) of {ok, Pid} -> gen_fsm:send_event(Pid, P); _ -> error_logger:error_report(["TC-Component non-existing DialogueID", {dialogue_id, DlgId}]), Abrt = gen_abort(P, dialogueRefused), tcap_user:send_prim(LoopDat#state.tcap_pid, {'TC','U-ABORT',request,Abrt}) end. mod_for_ac(Ac, LoopDat) -> case ets:lookup(LoopDat#state.as_tbl, Ac) of [#ass_record{module = Module}] -> {ok, Module}; _ -> {error, no_such_ac} end. dlg_pid_for_id(DlgId, LoopDat) when is_record(LoopDat, state) -> case ets:lookup(LoopDat#state.dlg_tbl, DlgId) of [{DlgId, Pid}] -> {ok, Pid}; _ -> {error, notfound} end. gen_abort(#'TC-BEGIN'{qos = Qos, appContextName = AcName, dialogueID = DlgId}, Reason) -> #'TC-U-ABORT'{qos = Qos, appContextName = AcName, dialogueID = DlgId, abortReason = Reason}. gen_reject(#'TC-INVOKE'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId}, Code) -> #'TC-U-REJECT'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId, problemCode = Code}; gen_reject(#'TC-RESULT-L'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId}, Code) -> #'TC-U-REJECT'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId, problemCode = Code}; gen_reject(#'TC-RESULT-NL'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId}, Code) -> #'TC-U-REJECT'{dialogueID = DlgId, invokeID = InvId, problemCode = Code}.