path: root/asn1
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-02-25Corrected bogus module identifier number.Norbert Hartl1-1/+1
2012-02-02add a map-only decoder without TCAPHarald Welte1-0/+30
2011-12-10make sure tcap_asn module contains TR/dialogue portion, tooHarald Welte2-0/+62
2011-12-09Add separate TCAP decoder that is not linked to MAPHarald Welte2-0/+102
2011-04-13include contracts and operation packages in .set.asn1Harald Welte1-0/+2
2011-04-13fix typoHarald Welte1-1/+1
2011-04-13Add manually generated MAP-Contracts packageHarald Welte1-0/+115
2011-04-13Add manually-created ASN.1 file with MAP Operation PackagesHarald Welte1-0/+502
2011-03-26MAP ASN.1: Add noteSubscriberPresent (from MAP-v1)Harald Welte3-1/+22
2011-03-26MAP Protocol: Include SS Operations in supported MAP operationsHarald Welte1-1/+10
2011-03-26MAP ASN1 Workaround: reportSM-DeliveryStatus without DeliveryOutcomeHarald Welte1-1/+3
2011-03-26Update MAP specification from version9 to version12Harald Welte29-304/+2326
2011-02-10Work around bug in HLR sending invalid CamelCapabilityHandling=0Harald Welte1-1/+2
2011-02-07add erlang MAP code (from OTP)Harald Welte37-0/+9187