#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import utils, cards, TLV_utils, sys, binascii, time, traceback, re, readers def fingerprint_rfid(card): # Need RFID if not isinstance(card, cards.rfid_card.RFID_Card): return [] uid = card.get_uid() return ["%02X" % ord(uid[0])] # FIXME: Determine ISO type and then return a value depending on A-fixed UID vs. A-random UID vs. B def fingerprint_7816(card): # Need ISO 7816-4 if not isinstance(card, cards.iso_7816_4_card.ISO_7816_4_Card): return [] # Try a select MF, just in case ... try: card.change_dir() except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except: traceback.print_exc() SHORT_SW_MAP = { "\x90\x00": 0, "\x69\x82": 1, # Security status not satisfied "\x6a\x82": 2, # File not found None: 3, } SHORT_SW_WIDTH = 2 def detect_bac(card): "Check whether BAC is active and if yes what type of card-os (select not allowed, select allowed but read not allowed)" result = card.open_file("\x01\x01", 0x0c) # EF.DG1 if result.sw == "\x90\x00": prefix = str(SHORT_SW_MAP[result.sw]) result = card.send_apdu(utils.C_APDU(card.APDU_READ_BINARY, p1=0, p2=0, le=1)) else: prefix = "" if SHORT_SW_MAP.has_key(result.sw): return prefix + str(SHORT_SW_MAP[result.sw]) else: return prefix + "%s:%s" % (SHORT_SW_MAP[None], binascii.b2a_hex(result.sw) ) def map_dg(card): "Get a map of which DGs exist and are readable/unreadable and with which SW they are unreadable" # Try to read 1 byte from each DG through READ BINARY with short file identifier responses = [card.send_apdu(utils.C_APDU(card.APDU_READ_BINARY, p1=i|0x80, p2=0, le=1)) for i in range(1,17)] result = [] exceptional = [] for response in responses: if SHORT_SW_MAP.has_key( response.sw ): result.append( SHORT_SW_MAP[response.sw] ) else: result.append( SHORT_SW_MAP[None] ) exceptional.append(response.sw) UNIT_FORMAT = "%X" UNIT_LEN = 4 # For hex in "%X" format. Would be 8 for hex in "%02X" format. compressed = [] current = 0 count = 0 for r in result: if count >= UNIT_LEN: compressed.append( current ) current = count = 0 current = (current << SHORT_SW_WIDTH) | r count = count + SHORT_SW_WIDTH if count > 0: if not count >= UNIT_LEN: while count < UNIT_LEN: current = current << SHORT_SW_WIDTH count += SHORT_SW_WIDTH compressed.append( current ) current = count = 0 return "".join( [UNIT_FORMAT % r for r in compressed] ) + ":".join( (len(exceptional) > 0 and [""] or []) + [binascii.b2a_hex(e) for e in exceptional] ) result = [] postfix = "" test_icao = card.select_application(card.resolve_symbolic_aid("mrtd"), le=None) if test_icao.sw == "\x67\x00": postfix = ":6700" # SELECT APPLICATION with P2=0 and without Le returns 6700 Wrong Length test_icao = card.select_application(card.resolve_symbolic_aid("mrtd"), le=None, P2=0x0c) if not card.check_sw(test_icao.sw, card.PURPOSE_SUCCESS): result.append("N"+postfix) # Not an ICAO MRTD else: result.append("P"+postfix) # An ICAO MRTD bac = detect_bac(card) result.append(bac) # BAC status dgmap = map_dg(card) result.append(dgmap) # Data Group map return result def fingerprint(card): def compress_atr(atr): numhist = ord(atr[1]) & 0x0f if binascii.a2b_hex( "3B8%X8001" % numhist ) == atr[:4]: # Contactless, conforming to PC/SC part 3 section if atr[4:6] == "\x80\x4f": # Status indicator in compact-tlv object si_len = ord(atr[6]) aid = atr[7:7+si_len] if aid[:5] == "\xa0\x00\x00\x03\x06": # RID of PC/SC Workgroup standard_and_name = aid[5:] if standard_and_name[3:] == "\x00" * (len(standard_and_name)-3): return "1:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(standard_and_name[:3]) # RFU bytes unset else: return "2:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(standard_and_name) # RFU bytes set return "0:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(atr[4:]) else: # Not contactless (or not conforming) return "3:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(atr) return "" result = [] atr = card.get_atr() try: catr = compress_atr(atr) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: # Any error in the ATR processing catr = "F:%s" % binascii.b2a_hex(atr) result.append( catr ) result.extend( fingerprint_7816(card) ) result.extend( fingerprint_rfid(card) ) return ",".join(result) def match_fingerprint(fingerprint, database="fingerprints.txt"): fp = file(database, "r") results = [] current_result = [] first_line = True matched = False def do_match(line, fingerprint): return re.match(line.strip(), fingerprint.strip()) is not None for line in fp.readlines(): if line[0] == "#": continue if line.strip() == "": matched = False if len(current_result) > 0: results.append(current_result) current_result = [] elif not line[0].isspace(): if do_match(line, fingerprint): matched = True else: matched = False elif matched: current_result.append(line.strip()) if len(current_result) > 0: results.append(current_result) current_result = [] fp.close() return ["\n".join(e) for e in results] if __name__ == "__main__": c = readers.CommandLineArgumentHelper() (options, arguments) = c.getopt(sys.argv[1:]) card_object = c.connect() card = cards.new_card_object(card_object) cards.generic_card.DEBUG = False print >>sys.stderr, "Using %s" % card.DRIVER_NAME if isinstance(card, cards.rfid_card.RFID_Card): print "UID: %s" % utils.hexdump(card.get_uid(), short=True) fp = fingerprint(card) print "Fingerprint: %s" % fp matches = match_fingerprint(fp) if len(matches) > 1: print "Matched as: \n\t+ %s" % "\nor\t+ ".join( ["\n\t ".join(e.split("\n")) for e in matches] ) elif len(matches) == 1: if len(matches[0].split("\n")) == 1: print "Matched as: %s" % matches[0] else: print "Matched as: \n\t%s" % "\n\t".join( matches[0].split("\n") )