diff options
authorLev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>2004-08-19 13:29:03 +0000
committerLev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>2004-08-19 13:29:03 +0000
commitacd9f8b3668896d6d37f34965870ae04a989a4ff (patch)
parentcb636964c64d8ce5df19e8eaaa2026eae7273388 (diff)
file dependencies
4 files changed, 279 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.c b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb53b3ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.c
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#include "asn1c_internal.h"
+#include "asn1c_fdeps.h"
+static asn1c_fdeps_t *asn1c_new_dep(const char *filename);
+static int asn1c_dep_add(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps, asn1c_fdeps_t *d);
+asn1c_activate_dependency(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps, asn1c_fdeps_t *cur, const char *data) {
+ char *fname;
+ int i;
+ if(!deps || !data || !*data)
+ return 0;
+ if(!cur) cur = deps;
+ if(cur->used_somewhere)
+ return 1; /* Already activated */
+ (const char *)fname = data;
+ if(*data == '#') {
+ const char *start = data;
+ const char *end = 0;
+ start = strchr(data, '<');
+ if(start) {
+ start++;
+ end = strchr(start, '>');
+ }
+ if(end) {
+ fname = alloca((end - start) + 1);
+ memcpy(fname, start, end - start);
+ fname[end-start] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cur->filename && strcmp(cur->filename, fname) == 0) {
+ cur->used_somewhere = 1;
+ /* Activate subdependencies */
+ for(i = 0; i < cur->el_count; i++) {
+ asn1c_activate_dependency(deps,
+ cur->elements[i],
+ cur->elements[i]->filename);
+ }
+ /*
+ * This might be a link to someplace else.
+ */
+ return asn1c_activate_dependency(deps, NULL, fname);
+ } else {
+ for(i = 0; i < cur->el_count; i++) {
+ asn1c_activate_dependency(deps,
+ cur->elements[i], fname);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+asn1c_fdeps_t *
+asn1c_read_file_dependencies(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir) {
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *deps;
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *cur;
+ char buf[4096];
+ FILE *f;
+ int hit_COMMON_FILES = 0;
+ (void)arg;
+ if(!datadir || strlen(datadir) > sizeof(buf) / 2) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s/file-dependencies", datadir);
+ }
+ f = fopen(buf, "r");
+ if(!f) return NULL;
+ deps = asn1c_new_dep(0);
+ assert(deps);
+ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
+ char *p = strchr(buf, '#');
+ if(p) *p = '\0'; /* Remove comments */
+ cur = deps;
+ for(p = strtok(buf, " \t\r\n"); p;
+ p = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n")) {
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *d;
+ /*
+ * If hit "COMMON-FILES:", treat everything else
+ * as a huge dependency.
+ */
+ if(strcmp(p, "COMMON-FILES:") == 0) {
+ hit_COMMON_FILES = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ d = asn1c_new_dep(p);
+ assert(d);
+ d->used_somewhere = hit_COMMON_FILES;
+ if(asn1c_dep_add(cur, d) == 1)
+ cur = d;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(f);
+ return deps;
+static asn1c_fdeps_t *
+asn1c_new_dep(const char *filename) {
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *d;
+ d = calloc(1, sizeof(*d));
+ if(filename) {
+ d->filename = strdup(filename);
+ if(!d->filename) return NULL;
+ }
+ return d;
+static int
+asn1c_dep_add(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps, asn1c_fdeps_t *d) {
+ int n;
+ /* Check for duplicates */
+ for(n = 0; n < deps->el_count; n++) {
+ if(strcmp(deps->elements[n]->filename, d->filename) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(deps->el_count == deps->el_size) {
+ n = deps->el_size?deps->el_size << 2:16;
+ void *p = realloc(deps->elements,
+ n * sizeof(deps->elements[0]));
+ assert(p);
+ deps->elements = p;
+ deps->el_size = n;
+ }
+ deps->elements[deps->el_count++] = d;
+ return 1;
+asn1c_fdeps_t *
+asn1c_deps_makelist(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps) {
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *dlist;
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *d;
+ int i;
+ if(!deps) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ dlist = asn1c_new_dep(0);
+ if(deps->filename && deps->used_somewhere) {
+ d = asn1c_new_dep(deps->filename);
+ asn1c_dep_add(dlist, d);
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < deps->el_count; i++) {
+ int j;
+ d = asn1c_deps_makelist(deps->elements[i]);
+ assert(!d->filename);
+ for(j = 0; j < d->el_count; j++) {
+ asn1c_dep_add(dlist, d->elements[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return dlist;
diff --git a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.h b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb9496f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_fdeps.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef _ASN1C_FDEPS_H_
+#define _ASN1C_FDEPS_H_
+typedef struct asn1c_fdeps_s {
+ char *filename; /* Or 0, if root. */
+ int used_somewhere; /* Somefile refers to it */
+ struct asn1c_fdeps_s **elements;
+ int el_size;
+ int el_count;
+} asn1c_fdeps_t;
+asn1c_fdeps_t *asn1c_read_file_dependencies(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir);
+/* Data may be a filename or an "#include <>" string. */
+int asn1c_activate_dependency(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps, asn1c_fdeps_t *cur,
+ const char *data);
+asn1c_fdeps_t *asn1c_deps_makelist(asn1c_fdeps_t *deps);
+#endif /* _ASN1C_FDEPS_H_ */
diff --git a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c
index 15d1b676..3c630538 100644
--- a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c
+++ b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.c
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
#include "asn1c_internal.h"
#include "asn1c_compat.h"
+#include "asn1c_fdeps.h"
-static int asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg);
+static int asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg, asn1c_fdeps_t *);
static int asn1c_print_streams(arg_t *arg);
-static int asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg);
+static int asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg, asn1c_fdeps_t *);
static int asn1c_copy_over(arg_t *arg, char *path);
asn1c_save_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir) {
- (void)datadir;
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *deps = 0;
+ FILE *mkf;
+ asn1c_fdeps_t *dlist;
+ deps = asn1c_read_file_dependencies(arg, datadir);
+ if(!deps && datadir) {
+ WARNING("Cannot read file-dependencies information "
+ "from %s\n", datadir);
+ }
TQ_FOR(arg->mod, &(arg->asn->modules), mod_next) {
TQ_FOR(arg->expr, &(arg->mod->members), next) {
[arg->expr->expr_type].type_cb) {
- if(asn1c_dump_streams(arg))
+ if(asn1c_dump_streams(arg, deps))
return -1;
@@ -24,68 +32,65 @@ asn1c_save_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir) {
* Dump out the Makefile template and the rest of the support code.
- if((arg->flags & A1C_PRINT_COMPILED) == 0
- && (arg->flags & A1C_OMIT_SUPPORT_CODE) == 0) {
- glob_t pg;
- FILE *mkf;
- char *p;
- int i;
- i = strlen(datadir) + sizeof("/*.[ch]");
- p = alloca(i);
- snprintf(p, i, "%s/*.[ch]", datadir);
- memset(&pg, 0, sizeof(pg));
- if(glob(p, GLOB_ERR
-#ifdef GLOB_TILDE
-#endif /* GLOB_TILDE */
- , NULL, &pg)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Bad skeletons directory (-S) %s: %s\n",
- datadir, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
+ if((arg->flags & A1C_PRINT_COMPILED)
+ || (arg->flags & A1C_OMIT_SUPPORT_CODE)) {
+ return 0; /* Finished */
+ }
- mkf = asn1c_open_file(arg, "Makefile.am", ".sample");
- if(mkf == NULL) {
- globfree(&pg);
- perror("Makefile.am.sample");
- return -1;
- }
+ mkf = asn1c_open_file("Makefile.am", ".sample");
+ if(mkf == NULL) {
+ perror("Makefile.am.sample");
+ return -1;
+ }
- fprintf(mkf, "ASN_SRCS=");
- TQ_FOR(arg->mod, &(arg->asn->modules), mod_next) {
- TQ_FOR(arg->expr, &(arg->mod->members), next) {
- if(asn1_lang_map[arg->expr->meta_type]
- [arg->expr->expr_type].type_cb) {
- fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s.c %s.h",
- arg->expr->Identifier,
- arg->expr->Identifier);
- }
+ fprintf(mkf, "ASN_MODULE_SOURCES=");
+ TQ_FOR(arg->mod, &(arg->asn->modules), mod_next) {
+ TQ_FOR(arg->expr, &(arg->mod->members), next) {
+ if(asn1_lang_map[arg->expr->meta_type]
+ [arg->expr->expr_type].type_cb) {
+ fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s.c %s.h",
+ arg->expr->Identifier,
+ arg->expr->Identifier);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Move necessary skeleton files and add them to Makefile.am.sample.
+ */
+ dlist = asn1c_deps_makelist(deps);
+ if(dlist) {
+ char buf[8129];
+ char *dir_end;
+ int i = strlen(datadir);
+ assert(i < (int)(sizeof(buf) / 2 - 2));
+ memcpy(buf, datadir, i);
+ dir_end = buf + i;
+ *dir_end++ = '/';
+ for(i = 0; i < dlist->el_count; i++) {
+ char *fname = dlist->elements[i]->filename;
+ assert(strlen(fname) < (sizeof(buf) / 2));
+ strcpy(dir_end, fname);
- for(i = 0; i < pg.gl_pathc; i++) {
- if(asn1c_copy_over(arg, pg.gl_pathv[i])) {
+ if(asn1c_copy_over(arg, buf) == -1) {
fprintf(mkf, ">>>ABORTED<<<");
- globfree(&pg);
return -1;
} else {
- fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s",
- a1c_basename(pg.gl_pathv[i]));
+ fprintf(mkf, "\t\\\n\t%s", fname);
- fprintf(mkf, "\n\n");
- fprintf(mkf, "lib_LTLIBRARIES=libsomething.la\n");
- fprintf(mkf, "libsomething_la_SOURCES=${ASN_SRCS}\n");
- fclose(mkf);
- fprintf(stderr, "Generated Makefile.am.sample\n");
- globfree(&pg);
+ fprintf(mkf, "\n\n");
+ fprintf(mkf, "lib_LTLIBRARIES=libsomething.la\n");
+ fprintf(mkf, "libsomething_la_SOURCES=$(ASN_MODULE_SOURCES)\n");
+ fclose(mkf);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Generated Makefile.am.sample\n");
return 0;
@@ -93,11 +98,11 @@ asn1c_save_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir) {
* Dump the streams.
static int
-asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg) {
+asn1c_dump_streams(arg_t *arg, asn1c_fdeps_t *deps) {
if(arg->flags & A1C_PRINT_COMPILED) {
return asn1c_print_streams(arg);
} else {
- return asn1c_save_streams(arg);
+ return asn1c_save_streams(arg, deps);
@@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ asn1c_print_streams(arg_t *arg) {
static int
-asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg) {
+asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg, asn1c_fdeps_t *deps) {
asn1p_expr_t *expr = arg->expr;
compiler_streams_t *cs = expr->data;
out_chunk_t *ot;
@@ -138,8 +143,8 @@ asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg) {
return -1;
- fp_c = asn1c_open_file(arg, expr->Identifier, ".c");
- fp_h = asn1c_open_file(arg, expr->Identifier, ".h");
+ fp_c = asn1c_open_file(expr->Identifier, ".c");
+ fp_h = asn1c_open_file(expr->Identifier, ".h");
if(fp_c == NULL || fp_h == NULL) {
if(fp_c) fclose(fp_c); /* lacks unlink() */
if(fp_h) fclose(fp_h); /* lacks unlink() */
@@ -163,15 +168,7 @@ asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg) {
- header_id = alloca(strlen(expr->Identifier) + 1);
- if(1) {
- char *src, *dst;
- for(src = expr->Identifier, dst = header_id;
- (*dst=*src); src++, dst++)
- if(!isalnum(*src)) *dst = '_';
- *dst = '\0';
- }
+ header_id = asn1c_make_identifier(0, expr->Identifier, NULL);
@@ -181,8 +178,10 @@ asn1c_save_streams(arg_t *arg) {
fprintf(fp_h, "#include <constr_TYPE.h>\n\n");
- TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_INCLUDES]), next)
+ TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_INCLUDES]), next) {
+ asn1c_activate_dependency(deps, 0, ot->buf);
fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_h);
+ }
fprintf(fp_h, "\n");
TQ_FOR(ot, &(cs->targets[OT_DEPS]), next)
fwrite(ot->buf, ot->len, 1, fp_h);
@@ -232,13 +231,16 @@ asn1c_copy_over(arg_t *arg, char *path) {
"File %s is already here as %s\n",
path, fname);
- return 0;
+ return 1;
} else {
"Retaining local %s (%s suggested)\n",
fname, path);
- return 0;
+ return 1;
+ } else if(errno == ENOENT) {
+ /* Ignore this */
+ return 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Symlink %s -> %s failed: %s\n",
path, fname, strerror(errno));
@@ -248,6 +250,6 @@ asn1c_copy_over(arg_t *arg, char *path) {
fprintf(stderr, "Symlinked %s\t-> %s\n", path, fname);
- return 0;
+ return 1;
diff --git a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.h b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.h
index 487e625b..8d4b1f5e 100644
--- a/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.h
+++ b/libasn1compiler/asn1c_save.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#ifndef _ASN1_SAVE_H_
-#define _ASN1_SAVE_H_
+#ifndef _ASN1C_SAVE_H_
+#define _ASN1C_SAVE_H_
int asn1c_save_compiled_output(arg_t *arg, const char *datadir);
-#endif /* _ASN1_SAVE_H_ */
+#endif /* _ASN1C_SAVE_H_ */