path: root/output/4.2.0/MAP-Protocol.asn1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'output/4.2.0/MAP-Protocol.asn1')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/output/4.2.0/MAP-Protocol.asn1 b/output/4.2.0/MAP-Protocol.asn1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ea2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/output/4.2.0/MAP-Protocol.asn1
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+-- MODULE 'MAP-Protocol' START
+MAP-Protocol {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-Protocol (4) version2 (2)}
+--<B-- UpdateLocationArea,--B>--
+ UpdateLocation,
+ CancelLocation,
+ PurgeMS,
+ SendIdentification,
+--<B-- DetachIMSI,--B>--
+--<B-- AttachIMSI,--B>--
+--<B-- Page,--B>--
+--<B-- SearchForMS,--B>--
+--<B-- ProcessAccessRequest,--B>--
+ PerformHandover,
+ SendEndSignal,
+ ProcessAccessSignalling,
+ ForwardAccessSignalling,
+ PerformSubsequentHandover,
+--<B-- AllocateHandoverNumber,--B>--
+--<B-- SendHandoverReport,--B>--
+--<B-- Authenticate,--B>--
+ SendAuthenticationInfo,
+--<B-- SetCipheringMode,--B>--
+ CheckIMEI,
+--<B-- ObtainIMEI,--B>--
+ SendParameters,
+ InsertSubscriberData,
+ DeleteSubscriberData,
+--<B-- ProvideIMSI,--B>--
+--<B-- ForwardNewTMSI,--B>--
+ Reset,
+ ForwardCheckSS-Indication,
+ RestoreData
+FROM MAP-MobileServiceOperations {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-MobileServiceOperations (5) version2 (2)}
+ ActivateTraceMode,
+ DeactivateTraceMode,
+ TraceSubscriberActivity,
+ NoteInternalHandover,
+ SendIMSI
+FROM MAP-OperationAndMaintenanceOperations {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-OperationAndMaintenanceOperations (6) version2 (2)}
+--<B-- SendInfoForIncomingCall,--B>--
+--<B-- ConnectToFollowingAddress,--B>--
+--<B-- ProcessCallWaiting,--B>--
+--<B-- SendInfoForOutgoingCall,--B>--
+ SendRoutingInfo,
+ ProvideRoamingNumber--<B--,--B>--
+--<B-- CompleteCall--B>--
+FROM MAP-CallHandlingOperations {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-CallHandlingOperaations (7) version2 (2)}
+ RegisterSS,
+ EraseSS,
+ ActivateSS,
+ DeactivateSS,
+ InterrogateSS,
+--<B-- InvokeSS,--B>--
+ ProcessUnstructuredSS-Data,
+ ProcessSS-Request,
+ SS-GetDigits,
+ SS-GetString,
+ UnstructuredNotifySS,
+ RegisterPassword,
+ GetPassword,
+ BeginSubscriberActivity
+FROM MAP-SupplementaryServiceOperations {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-SupplementaryServiceOperations (8) version2 (2)}
+ SendRoutingInfoForSM,
+ ForwardSM,
+ ReportSM-DeliveryStatus,
+ NoteSubscriberPresent,
+ AlertServiceCentre,
+ InformServiceCentre,
+--<B-- SendInfoForMT-SMS,--B>--
+--<B-- SendInfoForMO-SMS,--B>--
+ ReadyForSM
+FROM MAP-ShortMessageServiceOperations {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-ShortMessageServieOperations (9) version2 (2)}
+ SystemFailure,
+ DataMissing,
+ UnexpectedDataValue,
+ FacilityNotSupported,
+ UnknownSubscriber,
+ NumberChanged,
+ UnknownBaseStation,
+ UnknownMSC,
+--<B-- UnknownLocArea,--B>--
+ UnidentifiedSubscriber,
+--<B-- UnallocatedRoamingNumber,--B>--
+ UnknownEquipment,
+ RoamingNotAllowed,
+ IllegalSubscriber,
+ IllegalEquipment,
+ BearerServiceNotProvisioned,
+ TeleserviceNotProvisioned,
+ InvalidTargetBaseStation,
+ NoRadioResourceAvailable,
+ NoHandoverNumberAvailable,
+ SubsequentHandoverFailure,
+ TracingBufferFull,
+ NoRoamingNumberAvailable,
+ AbsentSubscriber,
+--<B-- BusySubscriber,--B>--
+--<B-- NoSubscriberReply,--B>--
+--<B-- RadioCongestion,--B>--
+--<B-- ImpossibleCallCompletion,--B>--
+ CallBarred,
+ ForwardingViolation,
+ CUG-Reject,
+ IllegalSS-Operation,
+ SS-ErrorStatus,
+ SS-NotAvailable,
+ SS-SubscriptionViolation,
+ SS-Incompatibility,
+ SS-PartialAcceptance,
+ SS-NotDelivered,
+ PW-RegistrationFailure,
+ NegativePW-Check,
+ NumberOfPW-AttemptsViolation,
+ SM-DeliveryFailure,
+ MessageWaitingListFull
+FROM MAP-Errors {
+ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomainId (0) gsmNetworkId(1)
+ moduleId (3) map-Errors (10) version2 (2)}
+-- location registration operation codes
+updateLocation UpdateLocation ::= localValue 2
+cancelLocation CancelLocation ::= localValue 3
+purgeMS PurgeMS ::= localValue 67
+-- NU1 purgeMS must not be used in version 1
+sendIdentification SendIdentification::= localValue 55
+-- NU1 sendIdentification must not be used in version 1
+-- handover operation codes
+performHandover PerformHandover ::= localValue 28
+sendEndSignal SendEndSignal ::= localValue 29
+processAccessSignalling ProcessAccessSignalling ::= localValue 33
+forwardAccessSignalling ForwardAccessSignalling ::= localValue 34
+performSubsequentHandover PerformSubsequentHandover ::= localValue 30
+-- authentication operation codes
+sendAuthenticationInfo SendAuthenticationInfo ::= localValue 56
+-- NU1 sendAuthenticationInfo must not be used in version 1
+-- IMEI management operation codes
+checkIMEI CheckIMEI ::= localValue 43
+-- subscriber management operation codes
+sendParameters SendParameters ::= localValue 9
+-- NU>1 sendParameters must not be used in version greater 1
+insertSubscriberData InsertSubscriberData ::= localValue 7
+deleteSubscriberData DeleteSubscriberData ::= localValue 8
+-- fault recovery operation codes
+reset Reset ::= localValue 37
+forwardCheckSS-Indication ForwardCheckSS-Indication ::= localValue 38
+restoreData RestoreData ::= localValue 57
+-- NU1 restoreData must not be used in version 1
+-- operation and maintenance operation codes
+activateTraceMode ActivateTraceMode ::= localValue 50
+deactivateTraceMode DeactivateTraceMode ::= localValue 51
+traceSubscriberActivity TraceSubscriberActivity ::= localValue 52
+noteInternalHandover NoteInternalHandover ::= localValue 35
+sendIMSI SendIMSI ::= localValue 58
+-- NU1 sendIMSI must not be used in version 1
+-- call handling operation codes
+sendRoutingInfo SendRoutingInfo ::= localValue 22
+provideRoamingNumber ProvideRoamingNumber ::= localValue 4
+-- supplementary service handling operation codes
+registerSS RegisterSS ::= localValue 10
+eraseSS EraseSS ::= localValue 11
+activateSS ActivateSS ::= localValue 12
+deactivateSS DeactivateSS ::= localValue 13
+interrogateSS InterrogateSS ::= localValue 14
+processUnstructuredSS-Data ProcessUnstructuredSS-Data ::= localValue 19
+-- NU>1 processUnstructuredSS-Data must not be used in version greater 1
+processSS-Request ProcessSS-Request ::= localValue 59
+-- NU1 processSS-Request must not be used in version 1
+ss-GetDigits SS-GetDigits ::= localValue 60
+-- NU1 ss-GetDigits must not be used in version 1
+ss-GetString SS-GetString ::= localValue 61
+-- NU1 ss-GetString must not be used in version 1
+unstructuredNotifySS UnstructuredNotifySS ::= localValue 62
+-- NU1 unstructuredNotifySS must not be used in version 1
+registerPassword RegisterPassword ::= localValue 17
+getPassword GetPassword ::= localValue 18
+beginSubscriberActivity BeginSubscriberActivity ::= localValue 54
+-- NU>1 beginSubscriberActivity must not be used in version greater 1
+-- short message service operation codes
+sendRoutingInfoForSM SendRoutingInfoForSM ::= localValue 45
+forwardSM ForwardSM ::= localValue 46
+reportSM-DeliveryStatus ReportSM-DeliveryStatus ::= localValue 47
+noteSubscriberPresent NoteSubscriberPresent ::= localValue 48
+-- NU>1 noteSubscriberPresent must not be used in version greater 1
+alertServiceCentre AlertServiceCentre ::= localValue 49
+informServiceCentre InformServiceCentre ::= localValue 63
+-- NU1 informServiceCentre must not be used in version 1
+readyForSM ReadyForSM ::= localValue 66
+-- NU1 readyForSM must not be used in version 1
+-- generic error codes
+systemFailure SystemFailure ::= localValue 34
+dataMissing DataMissing ::= localValue 35
+unexpectedDataValue UnexpectedDataValue ::= localValue 36
+facilityNotSupported FacilityNotSupported ::= localValue 21
+-- identification and numbering error codes
+unknownSubscriber UnknownSubscriber ::= localValue 1
+numberChanged NumberChanged ::= localValue 44
+unknownBaseStation UnknownBaseStation ::= localValue 2
+unknownMSC UnknownMSC ::= localValue 3
+unidentifiedSubscriber UnidentifiedSubscriber ::= localValue 5
+unknownEquipment UnknownEquipment ::= localValue 7
+-- subscription error codes
+roamingNotAllowed RoamingNotAllowed ::= localValue 8
+illegalSubscriber IllegalSubscriber ::= localValue 9
+illegalEquipment IllegalEquipment ::= localValue 12
+bearerServiceNotProvisioned BearerServiceNotProvisioned ::= localValue 10
+teleserviceNotProvisioned TeleserviceNotProvisioned ::= localValue 11
+-- handover error codes
+invalidTargetBaseStation InvalidTargetBaseStation ::= localValue 23
+noRadioResourceAvailable NoRadioResourceAvailable ::= localValue 24
+noHandoverNumberAvailable NoHandoverNumberAvailable ::= localValue 25
+subsequentHandoverFailure SubsequentHandoverFailure ::= localValue 26
+-- operation and maintenance error codes
+tracingBufferFull TracingBufferFull ::= localValue 40
+-- call handling error codes
+noRoamingNumberAvailable NoRoamingNumberAvailable ::= localValue 39
+absentSubscriber AbsentSubscriber ::= localValue 27
+callBarred CallBarred ::= localValue 13
+forwardingViolation ForwardingViolation ::= localValue 14
+cug-Reject CUG-Reject ::= localValue 15
+-- supplementary service error codes
+illegalSS-Operation IllegalSS-Operation ::= localValue 16
+ss-ErrorStatus SS-ErrorStatus ::= localValue 17
+ss-NotAvailable SS-NotAvailable ::= localValue 18
+ss-SubscriptionViolation SS-SubscriptionViolation ::= localValue 19
+ss-Incompatibility SS-Incompatibility ::= localValue 20
+ss-PartialAcceptance SS-PartialAcceptance ::= localValue 41
+-- NU1 ss-PartialAcceptance must not be used in version 1
+ss-NotDelivered SS-NotDelivered ::= localValue 42
+-- NU1 ss-NotDelivered must not be used in version 1
+pw-RegistrationFailure PW-RegistrationFailure ::= localValue 37
+negativePW-Check NegativePW-Check ::= localValue 38
+numberOfPW-AttemptsViolation NumberOfPW-AttemptsViolation ::= localValue 43
+-- NU1 numberOfPW-AttemptsViolation must not be used in version 1
+-- short message service error codes
+sm-DeliveryFailure SM-DeliveryFailure ::= localValue 32
+messageWaitingListFull MessageWaitingListFull ::= localValue 33